Endorsements from our community are a testament to the shared vision and values that define our future. We are proud to share the voices of those who believe in a brighter, more inclusive San Anselmo, and who support our campaign for positive change on the Town Council.
Elected Officials
Assemblymember Damon Connelly, District 12
Supervisor Mary Sackett, District 1
Supervisor Katie Rice, District 2
Supervisor Stephanie Moulton-Peters, District 3
Supervisor Dennis Rodoni, District 4
Supervisor Eric Lucan, District 5
Tarrell Kullaway, Vice-Mayor
Alexis Fineman, Town Council Member
Brian Colbert, Town Council Member
Steve Burdo, Town Council Member
John Wright, (Former) Mayor
Peter Breen, (Former) Mayor
Doug Kelly, (Former) Town Council Member

Rachel Litwack, Board President, RVSD
Annalise Bauer,(Former) Trustee, RVSD
Marie Henrio, (Former) Trustee, RVSD
Shelly Scott, Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk
Lori Frugoli, Marin County District Attorney
Kate Colin, Mayor, City of San Rafael
Rachel Kertz, San Rafael City Council
Barbara Coler, Mayor, Fairfax Town Council
Lisel Blash, Fairfax Town Council
Stephanie Hellman, Fairfax Town Council
Eli Beckman, Mayor, City of Larkspur
Catherine Way, Vice-Mayor, City of Larkspur
Wanden Treanor, Trustee, College of Marin
Crystal Martinez, Trustee, College of Marin
Greg Knell, Trustee, Marin County School Board
Marilyn Nemzer, Vice President, Marin County School Board
Magali Limeta, Trustee, Novato Unified School District
Maureen de Nieva Marsh, Trustee, San Rafael City Schools
Pat Johnstone, Chair, Marin Democratic Party (DCCM)

Community Members
Verna Adams, (Retired) Judge, Marin County Superior Court
Ross Blanchard
Margot Biehle, Marin County Planning Commission
Amy Blanchard
Ann Borgschulte
Dr. Richard Brown
Joan Brown
Aaron Burnett, Director of Policy and Civic Engagement, Canal Alliance
Victoria Canby, Business Owner
Bridget Clark, San Anselmo Climate Action Committee
Sutton Cunningham
Mary Denton, (Retired) CEO, Side by Side
Ted Fehlhaber
Kelsey Fernandez, Executive Director, Marin Healthy Youth Partnerships
Amy Flynn
Johnathan Frieman, Social Entrepreneur
Michelle Valverde Garcilazo
Lisa Graham
Alison Howard, Associate Professor, Dominican University of California
Linda Jackson, (Former) Director, Marin Aging Action Initiative
Nick Jaravas, Marin County Library Commission
Micheal Kamerick, Chair, San Anselmo Climate Action Committee
Danny Kreps, San Anselmo Open Space Committee
Kim Lewis, Community Volunteer
Elliot Levin, Founder & President, Partnership Resources Group
Shiela McClear
Kerrie McHugh, (Former) Member, San Anselmo Economic Development Committee
Dr. Lois Moore, (Retired) USF Adjunct Professor
Erik Mueller
Ingrid Mueller
Kelly Bryson Murphy, Community Volunteer
Leslie Murphy
Nish Nadaraja,(Former) San Anselmo Art Commissioner
Rebecca Nissen
Nancy Obletz
Peter O'Keefe
Sam O'Keefe
Kim Pipkin, San Anselmo Planning Commissioner
Kate Knickerbocker Rabbe, Professor, College of Marin
Sue Ream, President, Marin County Library Commission and Member, San Anselmo Library Advisory Board
Sara Robinson, Age and Disability Friendly San Anselmo
Jill Sassa
Jennifer Silva
April Sinclair
Cherie Sorokin, Chair, AAUW
Kira Swain, Tam Realty
Gail Theller
Mike Thomas
Nancy Vernon, Community Volunteer and (Former) Chair of the Yes Foundation
Jade Waters-Tippo, Community Advocate
Melissa Wahlstrom, Vice President, Falcon Foundation Board
Anne Wilbur
Karin Wilson

North Bay
Labor Council

Marin County
Democratic Party

California Democratic Party

Marin Professional Firefighters

Latinas in Power
Marin Women's
Political Action Committee
Marin County Young Democrats

Sierra Club

350 Marin Action

Progressive DFA - Marin